Vegan Tostadas de Jaiba (vegan crab)


I grew up eating jaiba (imitation crab meat) as a kid either with mayo form or with a lime marinade similar to ceviche on tostadas. You can also eat this with chips, salted crackers, cucumber or jicama slices.  Topped with lots if hot sauce and avocado, this dish is refreshing during those warm summer days.

1/2 large cucumber peeled and chopped finely

1 tomato diced

1/4 onion diced

1 can of hearts of palm washed, rinsed, and shredded 

1/4-1/2cup of mayo

1/2 large jalapeño sliced

1/2 green cabbage shredded 

8-12 tostadas 

salt and pepper to taste

Combine all your veggies, add mayo and salt to taste. Best chilled a few hours prior to serving. Eat on tostadas and top with avocado and hot sauce. 

Maribel Gomez