vegan albondigas


Hi Friends! I'm here sharing a warming recipe for this winter season. I got to share this recipe with some sweet folks last week at the Seeds & Sage: Workshops and Healing Sessions which was Fundraiser for Peace and Dignity Journey 2016: Sacred Run for the Seeds and an event of Enero Zapatista 2016.

Excuse the photo below, I hope next time I make it I can take a more flattering photo :D



It was so much fun to present. We made vegan albondigas and vegan ceviche. Below are some pictures friends in the crowd sent me.

workshop 2

Here are some awesome participants that volunteered to chop and prep food.


For soup:

  • 4 cups vegetable broth
  • 6 cups of water
  • 4-5 carrots cubed
  • 3 potatoes cubed
  • 3 calabacitas (Mexican squash) cubed
  • 1 large tomato chopped
  • ¼ onion chopped
  • 2 stalks celery in large pieces
  • ½ chile serrano (can be chopped or left in large pieces if you don’t want to eat it)
  • Salt to taste


Add broth, water, onions, tomatoes, potatoes, chile cook for about 15 minutes, after 15 minutes add carrots and celery cook for 15 more minutes, after add calabacitas and cook until they are softened. Once soup is ready you can remove the celery & chile if you want.


For albondigas:

  • 2 cups cooked beans (any variety can work, I like using black beans or pinto beans)
  • 1 cup cooked rice (any variety)
  • ¼ cup bread crumbs (I like to add these for texture, optional)
  • 3 tbs flax seed eggs + 6 tbs water (or 3tbs of chia seeds with 6 tbs of water)*
  • 2 tbs chopped mint (or yerba buena)
  • 1-2 cloves chopped garlic
  • ½ tsp salt

To cook vegan albondigas:

Mash your beans until there are no more whole pieces with a bean masher (1-2 minutes, they may look dry but will moisten with flax/chia egg mixture). Then, add your rice, mint, breadcrumbs, flax/chia egg mixture, garlic, salt to your beans and mix until everything is incorporated. Then roll into small balls.

Stovetop: In a skillet add 1-2 tablespoons of oil and add albondigas. Cook 3-4 minutes until golden and turn until all sides are browned.

You can also try to bake them on a 350 degree oven for 20-30 minutes flipping them over halfway.

To assemble:

Add albondigas into soup. Because the albondigas are cooked already, they don’t need to cook in the soup.

