Agua Fresca de Pepino

I moved to sunny San Diego about 4 weeks now. I am still adjusting to my new environment and still trying to unpack. Ha! During these shenanigans I have found time to try out new recipes. I've been experimenting with aguas frescas to cool me down, below is an agua de pepino.

cucumber agua fresca

cucumber agua fresca

Agua Fresca de Pepino

  • 1 Cucumber Peeled

  • Juice of 2 limes

  • 3-4 quarts water

  • Sweetener to taste

How to: Cut and peel cucumber into pieces so that it is easy to blend. Blend with a bit of water. Add the juice of 2 limes and add more water. Sweeten with sugar or agave nectar and serve over ice.

You may strain the cucumber water mixture if you don't want your agua fresca as chunky and add more lime juice as well.

Stay hydrated!
