'quesadillas' de flor de calabaza


I'm importing this recipe from my previous blog: I made these 'quesadillas' earlier this week. Clearly, they didn't have cheese but I call  them quesadillas because the avocado I put in them gave them a texture similar to that of cheese. One of my friends, though, says that they still call these quesadillas even if they don't have cheese, so in my book these are quesadillas!

Flor de calabaza is squash blossom. They're in season in the summer and can be found at some Mexican grocery stores. These had been in the fridge a couple of days so they were not as pretty as they were when they were fresh. I also saw online that these are also canned, I'm skeptical on how canned squash blossoms would taste but that's an option to anyone that wants to try them.

'quesadillas' de flor de calabaza

  • 1 bundle of flor de calabaza (squash blossom)
  • 1 quarter of an onion
  • 1/2 an avocado
  • 3 flour tortillas
  • salt to taste

How to: First, I cleaned and sliced my squash blossom so that it would be in smaller pieces. I also sliced my onion. I then sauteed my onion for a few minutes until it cooked. The more you cook it it seems that it makes it more flavorful. Add some salt to the onion while it's cooking. Once the onion is cooked add the squash blossom and cook for a few minutes until they have wilted, about 5 minutes.

Next, begin preparing your tortillas by spreading them with avocado. Next put them on a griddle, they should be laying flat, then add your squash blossom and onion mixture to one side and fold once the tortilla is soft. Let brown on both sides.

I jam packed mine with squash blossoms and made 3 quesadillas and had 2 servings of them. I could have easily made 4 quesadillas. Obviously, if you wanted to add real cheese you could do that and forgo the avocado, but I love avocado!
