kale tacos + mango salsa



When I set out to put this blog together, I promised myself I'd take great photos and make it visually appealing, I promise that will happen someday but right now it seems difficult as I have been busy trying to get employed and I am in a transitionary period living at my parent's home. At the same time, I want to make sure that I write recipes down. If I don't do it soon enough I tend to forget (example, I made a tasty rajas con crema vegan version once and promise myself I'd make it again to share the recipe and forgot until now ;] ).

Anywho, I've been experimenting with kale for a bit. I've reluctantly put it in juices, smoothies, salads, and have tried the chips. I don't like it all that much but know it's good for you. However, I tried it cooked and made some tacos and topped them up with mango salsa. I am now a believer, enough to say that I put some kale and squash inside the potato baked enchiladas I made for my family last week! It's a big deal.

I'll stop boring you now, recipe below:

Kale taco filling

  • 4 cups of kale thinly sliced

  • 1 tomato diced

  • 1/2 diced onion (type you prefer)

  • 2 cloves of garlic diced

  • salt to taste

How to:

To begin, sautee your onion and tomatoes in oil you prefer (If you don't want oil you could do with a bit of water). As these sautee add a bit of salt. Once those have softened a bit add your garlic, then add your kale until it wilts just a bit. Don't overcook it. Add salt to taste. Then serve with tortillas or eat like that. You could add some cumin for a heartier taste. This recipe should serve about 2 people, the kale shrinks when cooked so adjust depending on how many people you are serving. Also if you like more tomato, add more and if you love onions then by all means add as much as you'd like.

Mango Salsa

  • 1-2 mangos diced depending on size

  • 1/2-1/4 red onion diced

  • 1/2 serrano chile (add more or less depending on spiciness desired)

  • 2 handfuls of chopped cilantro

  • Juice of 1/2 lemon

  • Salt to taste

  • Optional:1/2 cucumber diced

diced red bell pepper

Mix chopped veggies/fruits together and salt to taste. Make sure to not overmix so that the mango stays cubed. Also, measurements are approximate and can be adjusted depending on how many people you plan on serving.
