Rajas con Crema de Nuez

Rajas con Creama de Nuez rajasconcrema

  • 2 chiles poblanos
  • 1 Portobello mushroom chopped
  • ¼ cup chopped onion
  • 1 cup corn
  • ½ cup raw walnuts
  • 1-1.5 cup of water (add less water for thicker sauce)
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • salt to taste

To roast chiles:

Begin by roasting your chiles either covered in foil and a top a skillet or directly on fire until outside is black. Once chiles are roasted place them in either a plastic bag or in a glass bowl covered with a towel or plastic wrap. Let them rest a bit so that the charred part is easy to peel off. Then peel off black parts and cut a slit in the chiles to remove seeds, you may need to rinse to remove the black parts and seeds.

Once your chiles are de-seeded and charred skin is removed, cut them into small strips.

For the sauce:

In a blender or food processors blend the raw walnuts, water, garlic, and add a bit of salt if desired. You may soak the walnuts in prior to processing so that they are easier to blend if you'd like.

To assemble dish:

In a pan, cook down the onions in a bit of oil or water until softened, add chopped mushroom, corn, and chiles followed by your crema. Cook for a couple minutes until veggies are fully cooked and sauce is reduced.

Serve with rice or as tacos and enjoy!