Agua de Jamaica + Chia (Hibiscus tea)

Once again, I apologize for my poor quality photos. At least my nails were on point in this photo? Anywho, this is a tasty recipe. Take my word for it!



Agua de Jamaica + Chia (Hibiscus tea)

  • 3 tablespoons of chia (mixed in water)

  • 1 handful of Hibiscus tea (they sell it in bins at the Mexican grocery store)

  • Sweetener to taste

  • 3-4 quarts of water

How to:

Soak chia in water for more than half hour so they plump up (mix it up from time to time). Quickly rinse your Hibiscus leaves in a bit of water, drain and add to small sauce pan and bring to boil water. Let cool then strain and add more water in a pitcher (sometimes I soak the drained jamaica flowers with more water and add that liquid to the pitcher). Other folks bring their water to boil then add the leaves. Its a matter of preference. Add sweetener of choice and then the chia seeds with the water you soaked them in. Enjoy with lots of ice!
