Vegan Red Pozole

My pozole recipe is ever evolving. i add whatever veggies i have on hand whether it’s chayotes, calabacitas, papa etc. and sometimes make a red sauce or green sauce. below is one i made recently. it makes a lot, you can freeze half and eat it later.


For chile broth:

4 dried guajillos (seeds and stems removed)

4 dried chiles california (seeds and stems removed)

6 cloves garlic

1 tsp oregano

3 tbsp salt or less depending on taste

2 tsp ground cumin

12 cups vegetable broth (or half broth half water)

1 tsp apple cider vinegar 

1/2 white onion

For soup:

1 calabacita cubed

4 red potatoes cubed

8 shitake mushrooms chopped

6 cups of canned hominy rinsed



Sliced radishes

Shredded cabbage (green or purple- i think purple is prettier)

Oregano (I used dried)

Lime wedges

Chopped onion

hot sauce



Lightly toast chiles over a comal. Then cook transfer to a saucepan and add onion and garlic. Cover with water and cook for about 10 minutes or until water boils.  Remove chiles, garlic and onion from water and add to blender. Blend with a bit of the left over water from your chiles along with additional spices and vinegar. Strain sauce if needed. In a large pot add a few tablespoons of oil and cook your sauce until it bubbles. Add your broth and begin adding your veggies and hominy except the calabacitas (these cook faster and you don’t want them to get muhy). Cook for about 20 minutes on medium heat then add calabacitas. Continue cooking until calabacitas are tender about another 10 minutes and lower heat to cook about 10 more minutes so all the flavors incorporate to your broth. Taste your broth and adjust to your liking- does it need more cumin, salt, some pepper? Follow your instincts 🤩

Serve in a bowl topped with shredded cabbage, chopped onion, oregano, sliced radishes. Squeeze with a wedge of lime and top with hot sauce. I grew up with eating pozole with tacos dorados but when there’s little time we also eat it with tostadas for crunch 🤗✨💕


Maribel Gomez