Vegan Xicana
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Meet Vegan Xicana

Maribel is a kitchen bruja, recipe developer, and community educator

Meet maribel

Maribel is a kitchen bruja and community educator. She is a Femme Xicana Mexicana currently based out of San Diego, CA. She proudly grew up in La Puente, CA and is the daughter of Mexican immigrants from La Cidrita, Jalisco. She received her B.A. in Chicanx Studies and Design and a minor in Gender Studies and her M.A. in Chicanx Studies and has over 10 years of experience working within social justice organizations. Her specializations include gender + sexuality and food justice. She has a passion for art, healing justice, and feminism and is proud to be a mami.

plant based comida

Vegan Xicana is dedicated to plant based comida that transcends generations by focusing on plant based cooking with a decolonial lens. Bringing over 10 years of experience within social justice organizations and leading community events, I have been able to provide educational workshops and skill shares to youth through summer programs and youth conferences in Southern California and college students in community colleges, the CSU and UC system. Among my most rewarding work has been connecting with seƱoras at community skill shares and exchanging ideas and stories about plant based comida.